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Our purpose is your better health. Were here to help Kiwis and their families live healthier, happier lives, and to help local businesses who want to protect their employees. We do this by offering insurance thats easy to use and affordable while also helping connect our members to the right tools and services to improve their health and wellbeing. Read more
Pure Heart Acupuncture(PHA) is located at New Lynn Auckland as fully qualified ACC registered Acupuncturist with over 20 Years Experience in the field of Alternative therapy. PHA clinic has dealt with Acupuncture, Herbal medicine, Therapeutic massage and Iriscopic Diagnosis. In the field of Acupuncture therapy, we have used Saam Acupuncture technique. Sa-Am Acupuncture treats and observes the patient as a holistic aspect, and thus treats the disease at the point of its real origin. Human... Read more
Jyoshinmon Shorin-Ryu has been active in New Zealand since 1971 and since that time it has expanded with three Dojos throughout Auckland. Our club has produced winning competitors in national tournaments and international championships where they have represented New Zealand. The style of Jyoshinmon Shorin-Ryu was created by Soke Hoshu Ikeda in 1969 and is based heavily on the teachings of one of the old master, Kyan Chotoku. In 2012, Soke Hoshu Ikeda formally transitioned leadership of International... Read more
Do you want your kids to enjoy a rural activity? Do you want to build your child's self-esteem and do this by developing their confidence around horses and/or ponies? Do you want them to learn life skills not just how to ride a horse? Do you want them to have a special friend who can be with them unconditionally, literally with no strings attached? At Abi's Natural Horsemanship we can help you feel safer around horses and ponies both on the ground and in the saddle. Learn how to communicate... Read more
Have you had enough of painful treatments and recurrent symptoms? Don't put up with it any longer! At Acuphysiohealth, we are committed to your wellbeing, delivering effective remedial solutions that address and help a variety of health issues you might have and to make sure any treatment you receive at our clinic is positive, friendly, and helpful. We are ACC providers and specialise in treating various pains & aches, infertility insomnia and migraine. Read more
Welcome to Top Notch Massage Therapy for massage therapy, exercise and rehabilitation based in Massey and Hobsonville. We offer an extensive range of massage treatments and self care advice. At Top Notch we pride ourselves on being fully professional, delivering more than a massage by looking practically at the underlying issues, providing guidance and support. Rest assured if there is anything we can't do, or is out of our scope of practice we will refer you on to our well known and trusted... Read more
** REPs Registered Exercise Professional ** Don't let winter 2021 win! We're taking it back! We are back into it and going strong! This year has alot in store. Fitness challenge programmes, strength, cardio, agility, balance and inner wellness. With early morning, evening and some weekend sessions, there is a time to suit everyone. Come and join one of our team social activities.. get moving up a mountain, take a dip out paddleboarding or a Wonderlust triathlon, a day ofof walking, yoga and... Read more