- 165 Victoria Ave, Hokowhitu (4410), Manawatu - Wanganui Region
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Health & Fitness Pregnancy Services - Takaro
Palmerston North, the Manawatu - Wanganui Region
Best match results for health & fitness pregnancy services in Takaro + 5km.
Gaye is a dietitian who works with people to help them improve their health and enjoy life. She specialises particularly in helping people who have gut issues, food allergies and food intolerances or diabetes. She also provides catering and clinical nutrition services to many local and national Aged Residential Care Facilities. Read more
We provide 1-1 personal training and nutrition consultations in a private and comfortable studio setting. As soon as you walk through our door, your trainer will be here to help you achieve your goals whether that be to increase energy levels, build strength, recover an injury or manage a health concern. Read more