Energy Healing Practitioners - Linton
Palmerston North, the Manawatu - Wanganui Region
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We help you to reduce your experience of muscle and soft-tissue pain. David and Astarte work with professional and amateur sports people, business owners, office workers, truck drivers, labourers and anyone else who feels pain. We practise deep tissue massage, sports massage, remedial and relaxation massage. Astarte is an emapthic coach, assisting clients to shift from where they are (with a problem) to where they want to be (problem resolved). Go to our website to see more details. Read more
Charles Pan is qualified in traditional Chinese and Western medicine (5 years training and GP in China). A member of New Zealand Registered Acupuncturists, he boasts over 25 years' professional experience in both China and New Zealand. An ACC treatment provider, he specialises in manipulations, including: Deep tissue massage Sports injuries Chronic pain Charles has helped thousands of patients to relieve their pain in both China and New Zealand, and is looking forward to helping you during your... Read more