Kinesiology Practitioners in the Manawatu - Wanganui Region
Best match results for kinesiology practitioners in the Manawatu - Wanganui Region.
At PositivePostureNZ we aim to help people stand tall, move free and feel great. We combine Clinical Neuro-muscular Therapy (Trigger Point), Therapeutic Massage, Kinesiology, Ortho-Bionomy and Reiki to get positive results. Karen has a background in Nursing and has been providing Treatment Massage and Reiki for the past ten years , with adding Kinesiology (Kinergetics & Touch For Health) more recently. Edwin made a career change in 2014 and now provides Therapeutic massage and Ortho-Bionomy. We... Read more
We help you to reduce your experience of muscle and soft-tissue pain. David and Astarte work with professional and amateur sports people, business owners, office workers, truck drivers, labourers and anyone else who feels pain. We practise deep tissue massage, sports massage, remedial and relaxation massage. Astarte is an emapthic coach, assisting clients to shift from where they are (with a problem) to where they want to be (problem resolved). Go to our website to see more details. Read more