Energetic Healers - Campbells Bay (0620) (0620)
Campbells Bay, Auckland, the Auckland Region
Best match results for energetic healers in Campbells Bay (0620) + 5km.
Wellbeing services for the whole person. For physical, mental, emotional, or energy medicine. We specialise in optimal health and wellbeing helping to improve your energy levels, mental clarity and immunity, as well as your outlook on life or purpose. Our team of professionals are trained in multiple modalities to help people of all ages. We have a range of specialised services for Chronic and Adrenal Fatigue, Oxygen and Ozone Therapy, Nutrition, Hormone Health, Mind Body integration, Relationship... Read more
Other related businesses in and around Campbells Bay (0620) (within 20km)
- 27 Cherub Place, West Harbour (0618), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Campbells Bay (0620)
- Business can travel to you
Here at Life Energy Designs we are dedicated to healing lives energetically- by protecting people from harmful Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMF or EMR). We use a simple but profound technology which neutralises disturbed energy whilst balancing the energy of the user. This can have profound beneficial effects in terms of inducing calm/ balance and also immune support. We are a New Zealand company designing and outsource manufacturing our products here in New Zealand. Read more
Awaken the Healer Within is a series of three workshops. These workshops introduce you to the Atua Healing Method. ATUA HEALING STAGE 1 - ANYONE CAN TAKE THIS WORKSHOP What to expect Atua Stage 1: Learn the first steps to develop your intuitive abilities and connect to your 'infinite wise self ' This is the library of all knowledge, where you will find the answers and solutions to the challenges you face in life. You will also learn to navigate the spiritual realm and open up to your... Read more
- 42 Crossfield Rd, Glendowie (1071), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Campbells Bay (0620)
- Awards: #17 Most Popular in Auckland for 2022
Hi, I'm Sabine Hach, founder of the integrative health and wellness practice Be In Balance, offering a holistic (whole-person) approach to health, healing and wellbeing. I help balance-seeking people clear the mental and emotional roadblocks that keep them stuck so they can make bold health or life changes and become their best selves. I'm a fully qualified hypnotherapist, kinesiology consultant, energy medicine facilitator, holistic nutritionist, eating psychology health and stress coach. I... Read more
At Angelique Healing we partner with our clients to align all areas of their life, health and well-being. At Angelique Healing we are dedicated to enhance our clients health and well-being in a safe, empathetic and peaceful environment. With our professional approach we support our clients healing journey through holistic and natural healing techniques, respectful and caring couselling, nurturing and spiritual guidance. We help to overcome limitations, problems, and setbacks by addressing underlying... Read more
The Aura-Soma® Society of New Zealand Inc. is affiliated with the New Zealand Charter of Health Practitioners Inc. and aims to set and maintain professional standards and ethical practices in the use of the Aura-Soma Colour Care System® in New Zealand. It also exists to increase public awareness of Aura-Soma® products and practices by connecting people with the registered practitioners and teachers practising throughout the country. Please visit our website for further contact information and... Read more
- 71 Marua Road, Ellerslie (1051), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Campbells Bay (0620)
If you seek to alleviate anxiety, overcome depression, detoxify both physically and spiritually, resolve emotional imbalances, release addictive patterns, connect with your purpose, I invite you to book a Sentaura Healing session or a CORE Therapy session for real change. Most therapies just work on one level, just the thoughts, just the mindset, just the behaviours or just the physical body. It is time to get to the real issues and release them from your body for good and you will naturally start... Read more
Donna is an Integrative health practitioner who brings over 25 years of experience and knowledge to assist you with the following- Coaching, Somatic Experiencing, relationships, pre and post-natal trauma, PTSD, trauma and recovery, fertility, pregnancy, parenting, acupuncture, energy balance, hormonal balance, menopause, nutrition, recovery, ACC, well- being, stress management, mindfulness and more. Feel free to contact Donna and ask how she can help you, with bringing balance and health into... Read more
- Ruawai Rd, Mount Wellington (1060), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Campbells Bay (0620)
- Business can travel to you
Certified healing modalities Reiki Biofield healing Healing Touch Mindfulness Flower essence consultations Homeobotanical consultations Aromatherapy consultations Products Flower Essences Homeobotanicals Essential Oils Read more