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Acupuncturists in the Bay of Plenty Region

Best match results for acupuncturists in the Bay of Plenty Region.

    Mobile Clinic

    Someone who has disability or some diseases that make them hard to go to the clinic have the treatment. We offer the Mobile Clinic to go to your place and provide you treatments to resolve problems

    Acupuncture Chinese & Japaneses , Traditional Chinese Medicine, Q.R.A Nutritional Testing., Laser Treatment, Cupping, Massage, Dorn Method, Acupuncture may benefit a wide variety of health concerns Muscular-skeletal lower back pain, joints sprains, muscle sprains, sciatica, arthritis, sporting injuries, sports performance or enhancement Respiratory conditions- sinus problems, hay fever, common cold or flu, asthma, bronchitis Gastrointestinal disorders constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel... Read more

    Halcyon Acupuncture is situated at the beautiful beachfront in Omokoroa, Bay of Plenty. You can find the clinic right by the waterfront at 18 The Esplanade. At Halcyon Acupuncture, concepts from the mainstream and traditional oriental medicine are combined to diagnose and manage musculoskeletal or neurological conditions. For example, to relieve aches and pains, promote injury recovery, and reinforce constitutional health. By doing so, we hope that each visitor receives a rewarding experience and... Read more

    Providing Physiotherapy and Hand Therapy rehabilitation for acute and chronic injuries. Orthopaedic rehabilitation. Workplace assessments and monitoring return to work following injuries through ACC work place contracts. Gym based rehab and strengthening programmes. ACC endorsed provider. Phone reception to organise a booking and for current charges. Read more

    Acupuncturist James Johnson Professional Acupuncturist & Chinese Herbalist. ACC Treatment Provider One of the best qualified and experienced Traditional Chinese Acupuncturists First Chinese Acupuncture Clinic in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand!! near 30 Years Experience SPECIALISING IN Low back pain, Stiff neck, Frozen shoulder, Tennis elbow, Sciatica Carpel tunnel, Wrist strain, Knee & Ankle sprain Shingles, Headaches, Bell’s palsy Migraine, Trigeminal neuralgia Constipation, IBS, Low... Read more

    Energy Healing Acupuncture

    Our Vision is To Help You Help Yourself, With The Best Acupuncture Treatment Care Possible...Peter is using various techniques from Master Tong and also Dr Tan's balancing methods. Peters acupuncture treatment is a very safe and effective; Most of the points are located on the extremities of the body, pushing energy toward a deficiency or pulling it from an excess. THE BENEFITS OF ACUPUNCTURE •Back/Neck Pain •Migraines •Neuralgia •Osteoarthritis •Carpel Tunnel •Tennis Elbow •T.M.J •Myofascial... Read more

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