Coeliac disease
Currently the only treatment for coeliac disease involves giving up all sources of gluten for life because eating foods that contain gluten will cause the symptoms, such as bloating, diarrhea, weight loss and fatigue to return as well as cause long term damage to health
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Can I help you Perform
What you do on the day of the event is certainly important, but your training and nutrition leading up to it, in my opinion, should be your initial priority. If you don’t train or refuel smart then you’re dancing with the chance of injury, getting sick or psyching yourself and missing the event. If you prioritise training and refuelling like a machine, hello to the potential of a personal best sporting performance.
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Introduction to Ayurvedic Medicine
Tried And Proven Successful Across The Ages. Ayurvedic Doctors are taught in universities in India alongside Western Medical Doctors, and there are a lot of modern studies and clinical trials proving that Ayurvedic Medicine works. It is widely recognised and utilized by the Government of India, and many Ayurvedic Hospitals treat patients for free or for a minimal charge.
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Bring the good of lockdown with you into level 2
One thing we had more of during lockdown is time at home. And considering a common complaint is that there isn’t enough time, and assuming we take on similar commitments, we may need to be realistic with our copy and paste method.
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Food isn't nutrition until you eat it
We need to make sure our immunity is bullet proof before the winter bugs threaten to invade. Well, as bullet proof as we can make it anyway. This is to help prevent the onset of sickness so we don’t have to rebuild back to baseline, so we have the energy to try new crock pot recipes, or the energy to go snowboarding.
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Food is sexy, hydration is not.
A ‘diuretic’ is a term chucked around in reference to food and drink components that make you pee more. Alcohol is a diuretic. Not drinking enough fluids alongside alcoholic drinks may be a part of the reason you wake up with a headache after a few too many.
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