Can I help you Perform
What you do on the day of the event is certainly important, but your training and nutrition leading up to it, in my opinion, should be your initial priority. If you don’t train or refuel smart then you’re dancing with the chance of injury, getting sick or psyching yourself and missing the event. If you prioritise training and refuelling like a machine, hello to the potential of a personal best sporting performance.
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What your partner eats, and how it impacts you
But we all know how easy it is for your partners food choices to start becoming your food choices. Just saves time right, saves heated discussions right.
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Food isn't nutrition until you eat it
We need to make sure our immunity is bullet proof before the winter bugs threaten to invade. Well, as bullet proof as we can make it anyway. This is to help prevent the onset of sickness so we don’t have to rebuild back to baseline, so we have the energy to try new crock pot recipes, or the energy to go snowboarding.
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