- 19 A Second Ave, Accident and Healthcare Centre, Tauranga (3110), Bay of Plenty Region
- 2 km from Bethlehem (3110)
Rehabilitation Chiropractors - Bethlehem (3110) (3110)
the Tauranga Region, the Bay of Plenty Region
Best match results for rehabilitation chiropractors in Bethlehem (3110) + 5km.
- 191 Waihi Road, Judea (3110), Bay of Plenty Region
- 2-5 km from Bethlehem (3110)
Whole Body Treatment taking approximately 40 minutes Including Remedial Massage. Gentle techniques, English Trained, Over 30 years experience, ACC Registered. Appointments necessary. Parking and main entrance at rear of property. Read more
- 66 Fraser St, Tauranga South (3112), Bay of Plenty Region
- 2 km from Bethlehem (3110)
Other related businesses in and around Bethlehem (3110) (within 20km)
After practicing for 15 years, I have narrowed my focus to Eyes, Spine and Vestibular Function and how these systems work together to maintain the most essential of functions; your balance. Stability, Mobility and Cognitive decline are all associated with dysfunctions of posture and balance. Metabolic Syndrome has a commonality with Degenerative Disc Disease of the thoracic spine. There are a multitude of studies appearing acknowledging the dysfunctions of the spine having a broader global effect... Read more