Chiropractors - South Wairarapa
the Wellington Region
Best match results for chiropractors in South Wairarapa + 5km.
South Wairarapa Chiropractic for the Whole Family We offer relief from your symptoms with gentle, and effective care to promote long term healing. Our approach is to locate the source of your ailments to eliminate the discomfort you feel. Our holistic approach reduces muscle tension with massage and nerve tension with chiropractic. We aim to bring your health up to a level of wellness that can be maintained. We take our time to understand the issues you are facing to ensure that the care... Read more
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At Chiropractic Works we aim to improve the function of your spine, so that you can be as healthy as possible. Most of our patients present to us with back pain, neck pain or headaches. While we help many people with these conditions, by improving the function of the spine and nerve system, people tend to improve in many aspects of their health. Call us for an appointment today. Read more