- 14 Erson Ave, Royal Oak, Royal Oak (1061), Auckland Region
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Ortho-Bionomy Therapists
Best match results for ortho-bionomy therapists in New Zealand + 5km.
If you're looking for a company that can help you by providing mobility equipment & services, then look no further than iMonitor. We offer a wide range of mobility equipment and services to help you live your life to the fullest. From scooters and powerchairs to lifts and ramps, we have everything you need to stay on the move. We also offer a variety of services to keep you moving, including home assessments, equipment maintenance, and repairs. Whatever your mobility needs may be, we're here to help.... Read more
Anna Renall Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner operates Elicit Health, an Ortho-Bionomy clinic at the Taradale Health 2000 Store, Hawke's Bay. Anna provides Ortho-Bionomy, a gentle therapy chosen to effectively address pain, injury and chronic issues or relax, renew and revitalise. Ortho-Bionomy's techniques allow our self-balancing, regulating and healing reflexes to naturally respond from with-in us. Healing patterns are re-activated and restored allowing stress and pain patterns to disperse. Sessions... Read more
Who beneifts from our work?: -Humans and Horses -Anyone with an old or new impact injury - ie any event that surprised, winded, overwhlemed you, or just really hurt at the time. -Anyone with the usual "labels" - sciatica, whiplash, migraine headache, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, slipped disc, runners knee… -Anyone looking to release tension, ease their movement or improve/retain their balance and good function into older years. The work is gentle so perfect for the elderly too Athletes... Read more
We offer Ortho-Bionomy for health and wellbeing. Ortho-Bionomy is gentle, non-forceful bodywork developed by Dr Arthur Pauls DO, It draws from the work of Osteopathy, and the principles of Martial Arts and Homeopathy. The work is holistic and has been found by many to be highly effective for releasing bodily restrictions (backaches, headaches, neck problems etc), as well for the relief of bodily stresses and tensions, alignment, postural difficulties, and trauma. The work activates the self-corrective... Read more