Feldenkrais Method Practitioners - Sandringham
Best match results for feldenkrais method practitioners in Sandringham + 5km.
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Who beneifts from our work?: -Humans and Horses -Anyone with an old or new impact injury - ie any event that surprised, winded, overwhlemed you, or just really hurt at the time. -Anyone with the usual "labels" - sciatica, whiplash, migraine headache, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, slipped disc, runners knee… -Anyone looking to release tension, ease their movement or improve/retain their balance and good function into older years. The work is gentle so perfect for the elderly too Athletes... Read more
–Want relief from the weight of your life? –Would you like to improve function, energy, quality of movement? –Improve back or neck pain? –Do you love what you’re doing but find it is hurting more than you can bear. Alexander Technique is the best thing you can do at any given moment to improve your quality of life….wherever you work, whatever you do, office work, playing music or sport, minding children or the elderly! Read more