Applied Kinesiology Practitioners
Best match results for applied kinesiology practitioners in New Zealand + 5km.
A Kinesiopractor does not treat named diseases, but works in an altogether different model of energy medicine. Kinesiopractic is based on a participatory model that makes a balancing session a journey of self-exploration where clients gain an understanding of their health (or other) challenge and set about making positive change for themselves client comes with a problem and the Kinesiologist reads the body, finding the cause and what the body wants as its preferred healing modality. RESTORING... Read more
Nature's Script is your Local Health and Well Being Clinic, dedicated to supporting your family with natural health, diet and lifestyle ideas. Corrie is a Qualified Medical Herbalist, Hemaview Specialist and Contact Care Practitioner. Her Clinic is designed to support the Whole person, from using herbs and supplements to looking at your Live blood on a screen, to using Body Therapy for injuries and shock. It is a one stop shop for you and your entire families health and vitality. Read more
Auckland HypnoBirthing workshops are held at Birthcare, Parnell. Your birthing companion is welcome and encouraged to come along to the workshop with you, because your booking is for two people. Classes are interactive and practical. You are encouraged to ask questions so that you leave feeling confident about continuing your practice at home. The best time to come along is between 20 - 36 weeks. BONUS: With your registration of either the in person or online course you will also receive... Read more
Koru therapies is a remedial massage and injury rehab clinic located in Redcliffs. Specialising in remedial massage therapy, dry needling, Neurokinetic therapy and movement therapy. The focus of all treatments is to not just treat the site of pain but find out the cause. This is a holistic and clinical approach to pain and injury which delivers amazing results. Read more