- Omana Heights Drive, Maraetai (2018), Auckland Region
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Scenar Therapists in the Auckland Region
Best match results for scenar therapists in the Auckland Region.
Lindsay Cook - Open Minds Psychological Coaching - Business, Sport, & Life Relax...and get the winning edge. 'In just two sessions I'll share with you proven techniques to improve your confidence, reduce nerves, quieten that inner chatter, minimise mistakes, improve your memory, and be relaxed and calm in all situations. Real tools you can apply straight away.' Forget outdated methods - hypnosis is the only tool that directly accesses your subconscious mind to effect immediate, positive... Read more
Exhausted? Not feeling well? Is low energy robbing you of the activities you once loved, or keeping you from sharing important experiences with loved ones? Bioenergetic health and wellness scanning can help you understand whats going on with you and your body so that you can live life to your fullest potential! When the body field is functioning properly, its able to provide the correct information to all the body's cells at one time, keeping everything functioning together. But when its not,... Read more
Change your frequency change your life. Bio-energetic and informational healthcare. Who do we help? People with all kinds of health and body pain issues. Find your masterkey to unlock and reclaim you health and wellbeing. Read more